Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Made from fruit cultivated with care – and a little help from Mother Nature – your award-winning Brushwoods Fresh Olive Oil tastes so divine even the Italians are jealous. Unrivalled in quality, we guarantee it will always be 100% pure, 100% first cold pressed and 100% extra virgin.

What is fresh Olive Oil?

It’s not widely known, but Olive Oil is a seasonal product – at it’s freshest, most aromatic and delicious at harvest time. Your taste buds will relish the floral, citrus and peppery palate with hints of tropical fruit. We lovingly refer to it as liquid gold.

Packed with gut-healthy nutrients and antioxidants, it’s the perfect everyday olive oil for all your culinary needs, from salads and pasta to roasting and baking.

Once you’ve sampled fresh, we’re sure you’ll want to stock up with enough to see you through until the next season.

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I'm taking a short break!


Hey there visitor, Just a quick heads up, I’ll be taking a short break from 18 September to 30 September.  Best to jump in now and stock up to avoid being sad.  Cut off for orders is 8am Wednesday 18 September.