Honey Banana Oat Mini Cakes

Honey Banana Oat Mini Cakes

Honey Banana Oat Mini Cakes
Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
15 mins
Total Time
25 mins

Deliciously moist little oat cakes. Perfect for a picnic, snack on the run, morning tea or even for the freezer (remove one each day for the lunchboxes).

Recipe Developed by the very talented Patricia Tzortzis (Its Gourmet Baby)

Course: Snack
Servings: 18
Author: Patricia Tzortzis (Its Gourmet Baby)
  1. Put all ingredients into a bowl and mix together with an electric beater for 2 minutes or until combined.
  2. Spoon mixture into greased cupcake trays going only halfway up each hole with mixture
  3. Sprinkle with some Brushwoods Fresh Rolled Oats
  4. Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for approximately 15 minutes
  5. Cakes are cooked when a skewer inserted into the centre of each cake comes out clean
Recipe Notes

These mini cakes freeze well making a super easy and convenient lunchbox treat. Makes 18

I'm taking a short break!


Hey there visitor, Just a quick heads up, I’ll be taking a short break from 18 September to 30 September.  Best to jump in now and stock up to avoid being sad.  Cut off for orders is 8am Wednesday 18 September.